Technical data sheets

Technical data sheets

Our technical data sheets and further product information can be downloaded here.


Applies to: Lambdalit® 410, Lambdalit® 230, Lambdalit® 320

sunpor® STD | SE - Wärmeleitfähigkeit | Thermal conductivity

Applies to: sunpor® A355, sunpor® A245, sunpor® A145, sunpor® A415, sunpor® A452, terrapor® 3, terrapor® 4, roofpor®, sunpor® A243, sunpor® A321, sunpor® A323, sunpor® A422, sunpor® A423, powerpor® 2, powerpor® 3

Lambdapor® - Wärmeleitfähigkeit | Thermal conductivity

Applies to: Lambdapor® 750 premium, Lambdapor® 753, Lambdapor® 753 premium, Lambdapor® roof, Lambdapor® 750 STD premium, Lambdapor® micro STD

Lambdapor® - Druckspannung | Compressive strength

Applies to: Lambdapor® 750 premium, Lambdapor® 753, Lambdapor® 753 premium, Lambdapor® roof, Lambdapor® 750 STD premium, Lambdapor® micro STD

Lambdapor® - Bauphysikalische Eigenschaften | Physical properties in construction

Applies to: Lambdapor® 750 premium, Lambdapor® 753, Lambdapor® 753 premium, Lambdapor® roof, Lambdapor® 750 STD premium, Lambdapor® micro STD

Lambdalit® - Informationsblatt | Info sheet

Applies to: Lambdalit® 230, Lambdalit® 320, Lambdalit® 410

Lambdapor® R10 - Folder

Applies to: Lambdapor® 750 R15

repor® 33 - Folder

Applies to: repor® 33

repor® 33 - Infosheet Umweltbilanz | Life cycle assessment

Applies to: repor® 33

Lambdalit® - Folder

Applies to: Lambdalit® 230, Lambdalit® 320, Lambdalit® 410